
Do i have to let my sons father see him?

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he doesnt have a job or pay child support. his name is on the birth certificate. do i have to allow visitation? our son is less than two weeks old.




  1. It would be a shame to deny a child his father.  In most states a father has a legal right to see his child unless it is proven that he is a danger.  I mean, he is the baby's father whether you like it or not.  Maybe you shouldn't have had s*x with him if you didn't think he would make a good dad.  You did realize that having s*x can result in a pregnancy even if you use birth control, right?

    That being said, he really needs to get his life in order if he expects to be a GOOD part of his son's life.  He can either have a son that is proud of him or not, his choice.

    Now I see that he also has a felony charge pending.  You made a really stupid decision.  It sounds like you need to get your life in order, too.  I pity your child.  He has no chance.

  2. All kids need a father, and if you deny your son one, he will resent it and hold it against you.  He will romanticise his father and turn him into a hero.  

    As the baby is so young, visits will be complicated.  Are you against him visiting in your home?  If so, perhaps there is another way around the problem.

  3. I would say yes because he is the father, but I'd go to court just to have all the paper work for the future.  Hopefully he'll get a job soon have to pay child support.

  4. What does the child support agreement with the lawyers say?  I know that sometimes you have to allow it.  And sometimes you don't have to so long as he's not paying child support.  The best thing to do is ask a lawyer though because if you withhold visitation illegally it can cause a big mess.

    However, at 2 weeks old, your son shouldn't be going with him overnight or anything like that.

  5. If there is a custody order in place, yes you do.  Child support and visitation are two separate matters, and CS isn't the cost of admission to see one's child.  

    If there is no visitation order in place and you want my personal opinion, I wouldn't let Dad see your son unsupervised until he can prove to be a fit parent.  But then again, my personal opinion has nothing to do with the law.

    *ETA* Wait a minute, the kid is only 2 weeks old?  If that's the case,  CS shouldn't be an issue yet.  My goodness, what did you expect him to do - start throwing wads of dollar bills at you the second the baby popped out?  Now, I will not defend true deadbeat dads, but give the guy at least a couple more weeks to start contributing financially.  Also, please don't let your bad relationship with the father ruin your child's chance at having a father.  He may end up being a good parent.

  6. I wouldn't deny your son his father.  At the same time, he needs to step up to the plate and take some responsibility.  I would tell him to get a job if he really wants to ses his son, he needs to support him!

  7. Felony charges for what?

    You should never deny a parent access to his/her child.......even if they are not paying support. It just hurts the children.

  8. By law visitation and child support are two different things.  Just because he's job less and doesn't pay child support doesn't mean you can keep him from seeing him.  You could get in trouble by not allowing visitation.  Oh and if he doesn't pay you can call the police and he may stay a night in jail- this could either get him to start paying, or prevent him from holding a good job.

  9. The courts can make him pay child support...but you would have to let him see his son....... I would let him your boy is going to need to know his father I see too many kids that have problem later in life when they never got to know thier fathers if he has some questionable behavior than that needs to be supervized the baby being so small and still very dependent on you, you would have to be involed in the vists give it a shot what do you have to loose and what does your son have to gain  

  10. ultimately the court may have to decide that. I don't think you have to.

  11. You should - your son is only 2 weeks so give the poor guy a chance.  When another month or two goes by & you still haven't recieved any money then you think about withholding visitation.

  12. You don't have to no, but I reccomend it. Your son is very young and he NEEDS a father figure in his life! A lot of children don't have any fathers to see at all so if he has the chance to see him you should let him see him! It would probably be best for your son. He needs his father in his life as well. It's just bad to cut out the father even if he is a dead-beat..

    You should see what you can do with child support too. Good luck!

  13. For the good of the kid, yes. Every kid wants to see there father.  

  14. If his name is on the birth certificate, then he has established his paternity to the child. Yes, he has the same parental rights as you do unless the court says otherwise.

    He can go to court to fight for visitation and custody if he wishes. If he doesn't receive custody, then he'll have to pay child support even if he doesn't have a job. He'll also likely get visitation rights unless he is a danger to the child (which, you really should have thought of when you had unprotected s*x with him).

  15. Yep, you do.  You should have thought of this before you spawned with this loser.

  16. of course you do.  He is the father, he doesn't have to pay to see his son.  If he is down and out you can't deny him visitation.  In fact if you did this and had to go to court for anything, a judge will ream you out for it.  If there is  NO danger , then yes you do.

  17. Why would you want to deny your child the chance to know his father? That is so cruel. Maybe seeing his son will inspire him to step up, get a job, and pay up! And if he wants to see his son, all he has to do is take you to court...of course he'll have to pay, but he won't get denied visitation.

  18. Well, the kids only been on earth 2 weeks.  How much child support do you expect at this point?  If a period is established of abuse, then yes, I think you can deny him, but it's too soon.  Provided he's not a whacko.

    All kids need a father, as much as they need a mother.  Maybe this birth will help him get refocused in life and turn him around.  

    Don't let him see him simply out of spite or your disdain for this guy.  Afterall, you're the one who ****ed him and created a kid.  He must of been allright 9 months, and 2 weeks ago, or that never would've happened.


  19. Not unless the court says so.  Personally I would make him pay child support and get his visitation in writing from the court first.  You just never know when someone will take off with the child.  If he wants to see him he can come over to your house and see him while you are present.

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