
Do i have to potty train my rabbit??

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Do i have to potty train my rabbit??




  1. lol thats cute but ummm i dnt thnk so but you should try to it might b fun hahahahhaha

  2. nope! I did one of mine but not the other! The other one refused too it was a pain so I gave up!

  3. yes.


    i think its can just go in its cage...right?

  4. no they will use there cage

  5. pees and poops in its cage

  6. no.

    it pees in its cage right?

  7. no but they can be and its helpfull for when its out its cage interacting with you  my rabbit was not so it left some tiny poos when i was playin in the house with it

    please help

  8. no just clean out the cage every week or two.

  9. i don't think so O_O

  10. no, answer my question;...

  11. If you are talking about litterbox training it no, you shouldn't have to do anything.  

    Make sure you have a big enough litter pan and use the right kind of litter (ask at Petco or Petsmart) and put it in a place your bunny has easy access to.  Rabbits usually take to litter boxes like cats do, naturally.

  12. Well if it Pees in the house or u let him run around maybe...

    If u need help Send a message

    Btw shouldn't it live in a cage?

  13. you CAN if you want, you dont have to. they will use the littler box just as cats do. if it is an inside rabbit and it does not have a cage, it would deffinately be best, but either way, its much easier to clean out a litter box, than its cage. i would!!

  14. you can litter train it!

  15. nt unless it runs around the house


    hope i helped


  16. hahahaha no. -_-

  17. nnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

  18. put those corner potties in its cage it worked with my chinchillas

  19. no if you dont mind it peeing and pooing in its cage. potty trainng odes ocme in handy though if you want to bunny to be able to roam around your house with out having to worry about accidents.

  20. no thats only for cats!!! lol yougot to be kidding me lol lol lol

  21. Depends if your rabbit is caged or allowed roam of the house.

    Roaming the house, yes, you have to litter train it. Search google for training methods and find whats best for you.

    In the cage rabbit, obviously not.

  22. no not at all

  23. slap it every time he does somethign wrong, h**l learn, jk btw dont actualyl do it

  24. nope, although it is easier.

    my rabbit is trained to go in one corner, but not in a litter box, or litter, i just scoop out the dirty bedding every day.

    they usually do go in one spot anyway

  25. It you plan on having it run around your house?  My uncle had a rabbit who just hung around his house like a cat or dog would, and, yes, he had to potty train him.  The rabbit would even come when it was called.  But if you're going to have him in a cage, then he'll just p**p on the bedding like a guinea pig or gerbal would and you'll just have to clean that up regularly.

  26. you dont have to. you dont HAVE to do anything. rabbits are cute.

  27. U dnt hv 2 but, its a gd idea if u dnt wnt p**p al ova da floor!

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