
Do i have to send a save-the-date to EVERYONE?

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i.e. close family (out of state brother, cousins, family that live in-state...) friends that live in state and see us often?




  1. Usually it just makes sense to send them to out-of-town guests that will be flying in or have to book accommodations.  Just to give them some extra time to plan. If you are getting married at a popular time (June-September) you might want to send them to everyone so they have a heads up that your invitation is coming, because they might get other invitations to weddings on the same weekend.

  2. if money is an issue, then i would say no. however, some of them might want it as a keepsake, so if you can afford to, then i would do it.  

  3. No, but it does make for a cute memento of your wedding, especially if you do Save-the-Date magnets.  However, the only people who REALLY need them are out-of-town guests who have to start planning their trip if they want to come to your wedding.

  4. i would send them to everyone.. especially if u plan to have it in the summer... even if u dont if u are gonna send them to out of state send them to instate to.. what if one person that gets one that talks to another that didnt.. they will think they are not invited... plus u want someone to be able to come so sending them a save the date will allow them to plan around ur wedding.. if i didnt get a save the date to my cousins wedding i would have been in Aruba!

  5. send them to anyone you want to invite and let them know ahead of time the date!  

  6. Not necessarily. It's a formality. Send it to the people you are definitely inviting that aren't so close or that have kids (people with kids have a lot of commitments like soccer games, ballet, and little league practice). But again, it really is just a formality.

  7. You don't have to. If you want, you could just send it to people that live out of state, would have to make special arrangements for travel plans or work, or would not have known about your wedding otherwise. Like obviously your brother knows when your wedding will be, so he probably doesn't need a save the date.  

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