
Do i just add hot water to instant coffee?

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havent had it before




  1. if u have a sweet tooth u will have 2 add a teaspoon of sugar maybe 2 if u got a really sweet tooth . and most people add a drop of milk 2 depending on how strong u like it , if u like it strong just a bit of milk if u like it weak add a bit more its just trial and error really , just add a drop and if u find it strong just keep adding a bit at a time till u get it how u like it  

  2. yes


  3. Yes. You might find though that you have to add more sugar or creamer then you would with regular pot of coffee. I suggest using boiled water instead of just hot water, it gives it a more brewed from the pot kind of flavoring.  

  4. I have one teaspoon of instant coffee, two teaspoons of sugar add water then Australia instant is more common than brewed coffee, i was in thstates and loved brewed coffee much more but we are just into instant more and i found we had a bigger range as well

  5. Or you can add instant coffee to the hot water.

  6. yea

  7. instant coffee is great to use in baking but not that great to just drink...

  8. Yes.

  9. Its not that instant if you have to wait for the kettle to boil. Instant to me means open the jar and drink.

  10. yup tht y they call it instant coffee

  11. yes ... but don't expect it to taste like brewed coffee

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