
Do i lock the door???

by  |  earlier

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there are about 100 gangsters out side my house with weapons from broken beer bottles to rocket lanchers!!! so do i




  1. If you gotta ask, then your stupid.

    If this was a joke, then har har har.

  2. Oh my, I feel your pain girl that used to happen to me at my old house. Call the cops as soon as you can!

  3. i say no dont lock the door. if they want to get in they'll just blow the door off the ******* house anyways lol

  4. k, verryyyyy self explanitory, yes you shoud lock the door!!

  5. You should burn your house down so there won't be anything to steal, then they'll go away. Try it. Right now. Believe me, it works.

  6. What the h**l else are you supposed to do!? Of course lock the door, and then call the cops.

  7. h**l no! Break out your rocket launcher and join in This could be fun!!

  8. no, go outside, pretend to be arnold schwarzeneger, and KICK THEIR is with the question, what are you? retarded?

  9. you're a dumbass.  if i was you, i would stand outside with them and wait to be shot.

  10. YES!!!! And call the cops too!

  11. wtf move out forget locking the door...unless u got protection!

  12. lmao where do yu live....and YES if yu live there i suggest getting used to it,move CALL THE COPS

  13. "Survey Says: YES!"

  14. Invite them in for tea and scones. Most gangsters who carry rocket launchers are caring sensitive people who just need love and understanding.


  16. Lock the door!

  17. might need a little more than a lock to stop rocket launchers..

  18. wow,  I had a nightmare like this once.  Seriously, it was random.  But in the dream I ran away. lol.

    I don't suggest doing that unless it gets really serious so instead, my advice to you is to lock the door.

  19. rocket lanchers ??? Where the F**** do you live,? I Can see maybe a few AK's and a few Glocks, But rocket lanchers ? gezzz.......Let ask, what made you even think that most ppl would say No ?  

  20. Did that Mobwars game on facebook get too out of hand?

    You must've made a ton of people mad.

    Lock the door.
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