
Do i look and dress like a freak or...?

by  |  earlier

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are people just tripping. i'm a guy and i weigh 138 pounds and am 5'11.5". people tell me i am too skinny all the time. i really like how my body looks, bones are prominent, but i have muscle tone (i have lightly defined pecs, and a light v line). when i look at male models they are more muscular than me but their bones show too. now on to how i dress. i wear form fitting shirts and shorts or skinny jeans. today i was presenting in class and this kid in the front row asked me what size my shirt was and i said small. he said holy **** under his breath. i live in hawaii and all the guys in my school wears loose shirts (not super baggy) shorts or baggy jeans. there is one other guy in my school of over 1000 people who wears skinny jeans. would people on the mainland u.s. be shocked by appearance as everyone seems to be in hawaii. i feel like a weirdo.

ps. i'm not emo. i don't wear eyeliner, i have short hair. i just wear form fitting clothes, my clothes aren't THAT tight even.




  1. No that's pretty normal in the U.S

  2. That must just be your school. People here would have no problem with that... if you went to a larger school.

    It might just be that if your school is smaller, then there is less variety in the styles. That might be another reason that you stick out.

  3. if you came down to tampa you would fit in

    quit well. well for the cloths i think skinny

    jeans and fitted shirts is cute. now your body

    type well i don't find it that attracting. maybe

    you should work out a little bit just to get

    a little bit more toned.  

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