
Do i look like im trying too hard? pictures.?

by  |  earlier

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thats me. if i am looking like im trying to hard to be pretty. please for suggestions to not have said look.




  1. no it matches you.

    P.s. loveee the eye color

  2. Your hair is kinda eating your face in the first picture...but don't worry about anything you're really pretty!

  3. maybe a little in the first one

  4. im jealous ur pretty!

    the second ones alot more natural

    less pout and makeup on the 1st

  5. yes - relax and think happy thoughts

  6. No, you are very pretty.  Try not to use so much makeup..balance it (some pics with dramatic makeup, some with natural makeup).  Also, smile in some...when people smile, it lights up their whole face!

  7. no u are naturally pretty

  8. Second one is more natural looking but the blur makes you seem afraid of yourself.

  9. no i've seen other girls who even try harder they put 3x the blush regular people would use. by the way lub ur hair do

  10. I say just a bit less eye makeup and smile in the pictures and you're set! =) I like your hair!

  11. No you look really pretty...

    Wow you look almost exactly like this girl that goes to my school...

    haha at first i thought it was her :]

  12. it depends on the situation..if you were posing for pics then no you werent trying to be pretty, well theres imperfection that needed to be attended to cause of your is great...but you got a meadow liv tyler vibe...lay back situation

  13. only ur eyliner and eyshadow i like how u put two colors together for ur eyeshadow the only thing is the eyeliner it is a little thick i would just make it thinner and lighter and it will brighten up ur eyes. otherwise ur pretty

    good luck and hope i helped

  14. maybe a little in the first one but i think you are very pretty i am jealous

  15. your gorgeous

    and i love your makeup

  16. not really just lighten up on the makeup.

  17. I dont think your trying to hard at all! Believe me I've seen worse. And I love your hair! Bye  

  18. No, no. It doesn't look like you're trying to hard whatsoever.

    It just looks like you're getting serious with you're photography, which, most people appriciate these days, - a unique, dazzling picture with you looking like you've put effort into it, and taken from an odd angle tends to have people swooning.

    You're beautiful, dont' worry about it. If you've got it, flaunt it! :D

  19. Ya i guess so ...

    but put lighter make up

    u dontn have to try too hard i think u will still be pretty

  20. you posted a picture earlier. which one is prettier of something??

  21. the first one kinda..with the hair

  22. the first one ya u do and your should wear less makeup  the second one is verry pretty tho

  23. you are so prettyyy. i love your eyes!

  24. You are asking a group of internet strangers (the creepiest kind!), so I don't need to look at the picture(s) to tell you yes, yes you are.

  25. wow you're gorgeous

  26. Hmm... yes and no.

    More so in the first...

    because in the second one is taken from more of an unconventional angle, plus you are looking away.

    But the first is the classic myspace/avatar pic.  

  27. You do a little but it's working.  

  28. What are the pictures for?  If they are just snapshots to put in your album, then uh, yeah.  If you are trying to act or model, get a professional to take the photos.  By the way, I actually like the make up.

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