
Do i look ok? what to fix?

by  |  earlier

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i just need to know how to improve i guess.

i also feel like i look fat when i smile...any suggestions on my appearance?

not smiling-





  1. omfg your gorgeous! theres really nothing to improve maybe some light eyeliner

    and i do mean maybe your beautiful i wish i looked like you

  2. You are prettier than most girls in Las Vegas (my city).  Just keep it natural, in my opinion.  Plastic surgery and implants are gross.

  3. your beautiful

    i dont think u need to

    change anything about


  4. cute.

  5. You are beautiful. Maybe a little makeup..........

  6. maybe a new hairstyle. i dont think u look fat when u smile. oh and paint ur skin completely black.

  7. you're beautiful...dont need to change a thing & you dont look fat when you smile i promise you

  8. Your's true, and I saw your face, in a crowded place.

    Just stay pretty!

  9. Cmon now this is an easy one

    wear some makeup

    you DO NOT look fat when you smile

  10. ........Holy !@#$ thats pretty hot

  11. u have a really pretty smile

    and no u don't look fat when u smile

  12. You are beautiful! Don't change a thing! Love your hair!

  13. super super super hot

    there's nothing u can fix you are the kind of girl i want to have my baby!!!!!!!!!

    you are not fat!

  14. you're ok

  15. pretty d**n hot

  16. Don't change anything! You're fine!

    One day, wouldn't you want someone to go, "hey, you're pretty!" and you could reply "Yeah! It's natural!"

    You could put on a little make-up though to enhance your skin :)  

  17. omg i love ur eyes and no your not fat when u smile oo and i would wear like green and blue shirts to bring out your eyes even more

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