
Do i look pregnant or just chubby??? **pics**

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I am pregnant. I am 15. I live with my dad & if he found out he would kill me. Hes at work all day and even on the weekdays, so i pretty much spend the whole day with my boyfriend and/or his mom. When i do see him i usually wear big shirts so i dont think he notices. Do you think i should just tell him or move in with my boyfriend and his mom. My dad wasnt there for me most of my life and kicked me out when my mom died, i just recently moved back in with him. My boyfriend is older, he and his mom are paying for all the medical bills & visits, vitamins.

How should i tell my dad? Should i just walk in with my big belly? Or sit him down?

Hes really intimidating.

Maybe i should just not tell him until its born or wait closer to the due date. Im due Oct 19th.

Do i look pregnant or just fat?

(i know its noticable wearing these shirts)

i used to look like this

do you think he"ll notice or say somthing if i go home in a tighter shirt since its hot out & i wont have to wear big shirts?

Thanks!! I want to do teh mature and right thing im just confused right now.




  1. u look pregnant. and ur gona have to tell ur dad eventually. take responsibility 4 it and just fess up. the longer u wait the more pi**** off hes gonna b

  2. i can't believe your dad doesn't know. just lift up your shirt and say meet your grandbaby. yes you look pregnant. take your belly button ring out. congrats and good luck

    EDIT: you're due october? you don't look 7 months. ask your bf's mother if she can help you tell him

  3. you do look pregnant. i think you should sit down with your father and just tell him if he loves you he will understand, at first he will be upset and angry and disappointed but he will eventually understand.

    i really hope this helps and best of luck

  4. it looks like ur pregnant or maybe just really chubby?but he's gunna find out sooner or later

  5. Well, this is the thing with my sister, she's skinny but now that she's pregnant people say to her "She can't drink! she's pregnant! Jamie, i'm sorry, but your naturally thin and you're getting a big belly." your the same way, you look naturally thin.  

  6. You do look pregnant. I think that you should sit down with your dad and talk to him about it. He has to find out sometime. If he kicks you out, you know you can go to your boyfriend's house. If he doesn't, then you've gotten telling him out of the way. He would notice is you went home in a tighter shirt. You can really tell that you are pregnant.  

  7. I think if you trust your boyfriends mother then you should take her along and sit down with her and your dad and tell him. She might be able to help you deal with your dad better.  How do you think he is going to feel if everybody knows but him.  Good luck with everything.

  8. pregnant

  9. Yes you definitely look pregnant hahah  

  10. It Looks Like You Are Pregnant! Hope Your Dad Won't Notice!  

  11. You look pregnant but I think for now you can cover your belly up with baggy shirts.  Very soon this wont be possible.  Tell him ASAP

  12. You need to tell your dad.  Then if he's that upset, you can move out and move in with your boyfriend and his mom.  I do wish you would have been a little more careful...but now that it's happening make sure you do what is right for you and your baby.  That is all that matters now.

  13. It looks like your pregnant.

    And you should sit him down and talk about it. If he says get out say i will be at my boyfriends house you know where to find me.

  14. u look really preggo....

  15. move in with your bf.and dont have contact with your father.your bf and his mom would probably be more open.his mom would help u with your baby and stuff

  16. he will be able to tell because the belly is pretty big but i believe that you should talk to your dad with your boyfriend and his mom he should be able to understand i mean hes gonna know sonner or later .

    good luck! =]  

  17. It obvious, I'm sorry, but you need to tell him. Its only right.  

  18. woooow....yr pregnant

  19. in my own opinion, you sure do look pregnant and you should just tell your dad. I dont think he'll get real mad at you because he is your dad. He should know that everybody makes mistakes. Just tell him.  

  20. yea you do look pregnant cause if u werent you would have fat just above the pant line and maybe a rounded just have a round i'd caution you to wear tighter shirts.

  21. Yes, you definitely look pregnant. It's much too perfectly round to be chubby... I think you need to tell your father because he's going to know eventually and the longer you hide it from him, the more angry he could possibly get that you hid it from him for so long. I think if you talk maturely he will finally get over it and WANT to help you. After all, you are his daughter.

  22. You do look pregnant.

  23. congratualtions!

  24. Be prepared for death.

    YOu look pregnant.

    So he's going to kill you in a few months when that baby pops out, is he?

    If your dad's so horrible, then move out with your bf and his mother and keep away from dad.

    Does he deserve to be a grandparent? Does he even deserve to be a parent?

  25. Yeah you look pregnant. Especially compared to what you normally look like. I can't belive he hasn't noticed yet.

  26. You really look pregnant. A chubby person does not have that much sticking-out fat. You should go up and tell your dad.  

  27. Wow you are a mommy.

    Congrats with that!

    Walk in with the big belly and let him ask if your pregnant anyone could notice and say yes he will soon blow up then cool off he just have to deal that he is a grandpa now.

    Once again Congrats


    Good Luck =]

  28. yes you look pregnant and if your dad hasn't been there most of your life you should tell him and then move in with your boyfriends family. good luck, it must be hard.  

  29. Well if you're due in October then he really needs to know soon! Yes, it is obvious you are pregnant from those photos, by the way.

    Sit him down with your boyfriend, and maybe his parents if they already know, and tell him straight out. Have someone there for support though. Good luck with telling him, and having your baby!

  30. You look pregnant...just tell him, because it will just be worse if you wait. You cant hide it until its your in the hospital and then your like: oh yah, by the way im pregnant... that wont go well...just tell him and maybe say that if he doesnt want you to stay anymore, you could move in with your boyfriend and his mom.

  31. your dad will notice when you go home with a tight shirt. just tell him hes going to find out sooner or later anyway.  

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