
Do i lose myself in the process of keepin them happy???

by Guest60514  |  earlier

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i need advice.

in may i was introduced to this new boy,since then he has completely captured my heart && i have fallen really hard 4 in love.

but heres the problem.

what should i do??? my mom doesnt really care too much 4 him && i still live in her house till the end of this month,she is control of my car && where i can go in it.not to mention that i just moved about 25 mins away 4rm him && he has no car till like the end of the month. i dnt knw what to do...becuz i want to obey my mom,&& i wanna keep him happy,but i also dnt wanna lose who i am in tryin to make others happy.

i dnt wanna sneak && see him,but i have no choice becuz my mom doesnt want me to drive too see him...what should i do???




  1. Mate, be true to yourself, as much as you love your mom and you want to obey her, you also love this guy. My advice is to talk to your mum and say, u love her, but you are trying to grow up, but u cant do that, if she hanging on to you, u are going to college and you will meet lots of boys anyway, the best thing she can do is to let u be an make your own mistakes, but she should bear in mind that she raised you well, and you wont do anything to make her less than proud of you!!

  2. parents know whats best for u imo

  3. you can

    wait the month out - yes, i know that is hard,

    meet him somewhere in the middle that he can get to

    see if your mom would allow double dates


    at any rate, you won't loose yourself in just one month

  4. if you are old enough to drive, and move out, you are old enough to date the guy of your choosing

    your mom can give advice but you dont have to take it

    tell her you love her and appreciate her advice and you know she is looking out for you but that you like this guy and you are gonna see him, you are aware it may not work out and hope she will always be there for you

    she has to let go a bit, you are not a child anymore, she should never have put you in this position

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