
Do i love him or is it just a faze??

by  |  earlier

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See theres this guy and he is the greast guy u could ever meet! We starteed going out a couple moths ago but we was on and off! So then one they we got into this huge fight and finally we were separated 4 gud! So a couple weeks after i called him and i told him sorry and stuff like that and he said sorry 2! Then i asked him wanna go back out and he said sorry i alrady have a girlfriend i was sooo shoked i just said ok and hung up! So lately he's been on my mind day and night 24/7! Do i love him or is it just a faze im going threw? Im 14 by the way!




  1. Take my advice..its a faze. He could possibly be your first love but you will get over him with time. Don't waste your time thinking about some one who has already move on.

  2. It's "a PHASE I'm going THROUGH."  Please, get back to school ASAP.  If he has a girlfriend, leave it alone.  I very much doubt that he is the "greast guy u could ever meet."

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