
Do i need a PPL if im going to get my CPL?

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Do i need a PPL if im going to get my CPL?




  1. When you start flying, you reach to the 'top' (here, I am referring 'top' as a 'senior pilot' i.e like someone holding ATPL) in the following order:

    (a) are a student

    (b) PPL...You are authorized to fly privately but require mandatory hours to fly an aircraft commercially...with the Instrument Flying Rules (IFR) & multi-engine ratings/certifications waiting in the row.

    (c) CPL...You have finished the mandatory flying hours to join and fly commercial aircrafts...for commercial purpose.

    (d) ATPL...Airline transport pilot is generally a senior pilot who has accumulated significant hours/cleared the required exams*.

    The summary is when you have enrolled to get a CPL you will automatically surpass the mandatory requirements for the PPL.

    * you will have to write exams at each stage.

  2. In the USA... YES. You do need to obtain a private pilot rating before going on to a commercial pilot certificate.  That's just the way the progression is established.  A PPL requires a MINIMUM of 40 hours of hands-on flying experience under the supervision of an instructor.  Then you build hours toward the CPL which requires a MINIMUM of 250 hours PIC, and experience in complex or high-performance aircraft.

  3. Not exactly, thou it would be easier if u attain your PPL first and then your CPL. Im a aviator too!

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