
Do i need a converter box? im not sure if my tv is digital or not, its new enough to have a vcr

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im not sure if my tv is digital or not, its new enough to have a vcr installed in it probobly about 10 or less years old. but i dont subscribe to cable, so will i need a converter box. plus i dont actually own an antena, i just use and extra cable and wiggle it around to get the basic chanels, like on clock radios. so do i need one cause i actually already bought one and used the coupon

pleas help, im so confused at this point thanks




  1. According to the news, Antennas will no longer be in use in a few years which means you will need a converer box. They made it a law but you dont have to worry about this now.

  2. Any TV that has a VCR built into it would be too old to have a digital tuner.  You would need a converter box to receive the local stations with an antenna.  Well, in your case the wire.  If the wire works for you, that's fine.  But you might consider getting a small indoor antenna.  You don't need a "digital" antenna.  Most of these have a cheap amplifier built into them that cause more problems than they solve.  Just get a simple antenna.  If you got the local stations with a bit of extra wire you shouldn't need much.

    You do need an antenna.  I don't know where the rumor came from that you don't need an antenna.  You do.  Call any of your local TV stations if you wish.  They'll tell you that you will need an antenna.  The converter box does not replace or remove the need for an antenna.

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