
Do i need a high school deploma?

by  |  earlier

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To go to teachers college or to university to become a doctor or anything in genetics?




  1. Hey RS.

    No college will accept you... even let you in the front door... without a high school diploma.  Reason????  If you couldn't make it in high school.... why should they believe you will do any better in college... and they need desks for people who are serious about their education... people who tried hard in high school to reach that next level.  AND you should know there are thousands of those kinds of people in colleges right now.

    You are asking about becoming a doctor???  Then studying should be your 1st maybe ONLY priority... because to become a dr. you have to go to college for at least 8 years...AT Least!!!  and then be able to pass one of the hardest tests the human brain can be exposed to.... one that takes ONE year to prepare for!!!     Even if it was the remotest possibility a college would take you.... do you think you could cut out about 15 hours a day to devote to classes and studying... that leaves just about 9 hours for sleeping and eating?  

    Your best bet is to worry about the future by devoting energy to the present.  You must go to high school and pass and get the diploma.

    And if that does not get your attention...  ask yourself this question...

    At some point when you are an adult and you have children... are you going to encourage your kids to be looser ''Drop-outs''?  What would be best for YOUR children... is doubly important for you.  Because if you cannot sell education to yourself....  you will never never ever be able to sell it to your kids.

    Just the way it is.

    Thanks for reading and I hope it made an impression.

  2. h**l yeah.  Its hard making it with it. So I can only imagine without it how hard it will be.  

  3. yes, and especially to learn how to spell "diploma"

  4. you need a hs diploma for anythings nowadays, even to work at McDonald's. if you want to go to college to become a teacher or dr. do as well as you can in high school and take AP or dual enrollment classes if available. All of your high school stuff will follow you so do your best and stick with it.

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