
Do i need a level chem to do a biology degree????

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Im taking chemisty, biology, maths and art alevels but now have to drop one for A2. I hate chemistry and realy want to drop it but will i be at a disadvantage if i do as i want to do a degree in biology. Im looking at warwick, durham, southampton, bath and cardiff universitys.




  1. if you're going to get a degree, i would learn how to spell

    universitys? wow

  2. I am a bio major and I used to hate chemistry.  I learned to love it, appreciate it, and Learn it.  It will haunt you if you are going to be a biology major.  The easier chemistry is Organic chemistry, general is hard...

  3. yes, to do a biology degree you will need chemistry.

    Unless you are doing just human biology, then you will be fine without it.

  4. A basic understanding of Chemistry is required for most Biology degrees.  Without it, you'd only have your intuition to rely on at the microscopic level.  

    As a Biologist, no matter what your discipline within the subject, you'll have to understand the driving forces behind energy production in living organisms.  That is, you'll have to understand Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis, which are essentially multistep organic syntheses.  This takes at least two semesters of Organic Chemistry to even approach anything but the most rudimentary understanding of.  All matter can be broken down into its component molecules and analyzed, and Biologists make use of these techniques, whether it be carbon dating or using radioisotopes in medicine.

    You should attend a couple of general chemistry (and physics) courses before you pursue a degree in the sciences.

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