
Do i need a licence to sell items i have made myself on ebay or caft fair

by  |  earlier

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i have been able to make items for friends for when babies are born, and would like to have a go at selling them

any way we have craft fairs and things where i live locally,

also i would love to be able to sell them on places like ebay

do i need a licence, and how would i go about this

what about if i just advertised my crafts

i want to do this legally but dont know where to start, would i pay tax on these items if i made any money for my self

have you sold anything on ebay that would be personalised and made to order


thanks for your help

x*x vici




  1. No

  2. In the US E-Bay doesn't require a license or further registration other than signing on with E-Bay to sell.  You may have local statutes in place requiring a sales license or permit.  The cost of a license would eat up all of your profits if not put you in debt so I wouldn't worry about it with the small amount of items you will be selling.

    As for advertising your items the best way is in the description and sales pitch you use when listing them.  Since most people search E-Bay by simple word inquiries you may want to expand your description in the body of your listing and provide good photos.  

  3. You just asked this 10 minutes ago

    No licence required on Ebay. If you sell at craft fairs or car boots you don't need one either. If you were having a market stall you might need a licence from local council.

    Yes, you need to declare all your earnings for tax

  4. You can obtain a transient vendor's license for about $30 bucks,one time fee. Then you have to pay your state taxes twice a year on your sales. Some fairs and such do require you to show your license but I recomend asking if one is required before applying and sending in your fee. Good luck, Have fun!

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