
Do i need a license to own a racoon in illinois

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Do i need a license to own a racoon in illinois




  1. "At the state level, there are now 13 states—Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, Vermont, Virginia, and Wyoming—that prohibit keeping dangerous wildlife as pets."

    I don't know the laws regarding owning a captive bred raccoon obtained from a breeder.  I'd call your local animal control to get further information.  You would probably have to get a license if it is legal to own a captive bred raccoon.  Though it is probable that it is illegal to own a raccoon regardless of where it was from.

    Hope that helps!

  2. Any individual who possesses or engages in the breeding or raising of protected fur-bearing mammals shall procure a fur-bearing mammal breeding permit; protected fur-bearing mammals include muskrat, beaver, raccoon, opossum, least weasel, long-tailed weasel, mink, river otter, striped skunk, coyote, and bobcat; no fur-bearing mammal breeding permits will be issued to engage in the breeding of striped skunks or coyotes. Annual Fee $25.00.

    520 ILL. COMP. STAT. 5/2.2, 5/3.25


    Category: B*

    Summary of Law: No person may harbor, care for, act as a custodian, or maintain in his possession any dangerous animal except at a properly maintained zoological park, federally licensed exhibit, circus, scientific or educational institution, research laboratory, veterinary hospital or animal refuge. "Dangerous animal" means a lion, tiger, leopard, ocelot, jaguar, cheetah, margay, mountain lion, lynx, bobcat, jaguarundi, bear, hyena, wolf, coyote, or any poisonous life-threatening reptile. However, there are no state requirements for a person possessing non-human primates and other exotic species not defined as "dangerous animals."

    Citation: ILL. REV STAT, ch. 720, para. 585/0.1, 585/1, 585/2, and 585/3

    Finally found a definitive answer!  If you trust the site,

    Raccoons as pets

    Raccoons can be kept legally as pets in Illinois as long as the Raccoon is captive bred and the owner has a fur bearing mammal breeder permit.

    Raccoons bred by breeders may make suitable pets; however, raccoons are not domesticated animals. Training a raccoon is an intensive and ongoing process, and the raccoon may still have behavorial problems like biting, destructive behavior, and messiness. Raccoons are nocturnal but most adapt to sleeping during the night and being awake in the day with training. Also, they often dip their food into the water dishes of other pets, or defecate into  them, since raccoons usually prefer to release their bowels in water.

    It looks like you must obtain a permit, but a captive bred raccoon seems to be OK in Illinois.  (Years ago I purchased 3 babies because they were being sold in pet stores then, they were captive bred from a breeder in Illinois and being abused in the store. - Did love them but as they got older and sexually mature they were very aggressive and not definitely not like a domesticated animal - sold them to a private breeder)

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