
Do i need a new camera or a new battery??

by  |  earlier

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kay so ive had my Olympus camera for a few months and its been freezing up. When it does this, i take out the battery then put it back in then it usually works. But now, every time i take a pic the screen turns black and it turns off. Do i need to buy a new camera or just a new camera battery?




  1. ether charge it or get a new battery if these dont work just get a new camera..

  2. take it to an electrical shop thye will tell ya, i am not sure better if it is batter, not sure tho

  3. try new batteries.. if it is still acting up get a new camera.

  4. new camera

  5. you might have gotten water damage, did you take it to the beach or a place where it rained or its really humid?

  6. maybe you would have to buy another one.

  7. I would try new batteries first and if that dont work call the company and see what they can do. I had that problem years ago.

  8. .....neither


  9. both

  10. Mines done this before, and that was because it was wet. I just took the batteries and memory car out for a while and let it dry, then it worked just fine.

  11. You need to buy a new camera, seems like both camera and battery are the problem.

  12. Both.

    The camera is woren out. There is no way of fixing the problem, and the batteries, are probably warrening out too. Buy both.


  13. both...

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