
Do i need a passport to go to puerto rico from austin texas i'm going in sept 4-12?

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Do i need a passport to go to puerto rico from austin texas i'm going in sept 4-12?




  1. I just don't understand why people keep asking this question when on EVERY COMMERCIAL FOR PUERTO RICO it says in plain, bold letters: NO PASSPORT NECESSARY FOR U.S. CITIZENS TO VISIT PUERTO RICO... it's right there on EVERY commercial.

    Of course, I also don't understand that 'thing' AmeriKans have about not getting a PASSPORT... just like the rest of the world must have to travel to foreign countries... for some reason, AmeriKans seem to think they should be able to travel to any country with just an old utility bill from home.

  2. Traveling from USA to PR is via domestic flight, you need a valid identification with photo, like a drivers lic.  US citizens do not need a passport to come to PR frokm the states.  (Unless Homeland Security or other agency with authority in the subject change the rules applicable to domestic flights).

  3. no. this is also USA.

  4. Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory- you DO NOT need a passport. But it really is a good idea for the future, to have one. You just never know when you might need it!

  5. No.

    My husband and I are going to Puerto Rico (his first time!) Sept 25th- Oct 2nd, and all they require is a Government Issued ID.

    No passport, no proof of citizenship...

    Just an ID...

    Have fun...

    I can't wait for my turn!

  6. Its technically not an US state yet so yet you will.

  7. No, you absolutely do NOT need a passport to travel to Puerto Rico....a territory of the U.S.  Traveling to P.R. is just like traveling to another state.  As a territory of the U.S., Puerto Rico is part of the U.S. , the citizens are American citizens.

    "Passports are not required for U.S. citizens traveling to or returning directly from Hawaii or a U.S. territory, including Guam, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Swains Island, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands."  This is a direct quote from the site below.

    You can read the law for yourself at the 2nd site...see the sentence that starts with "NOTE: The passport requirement does not......"

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