
Do i need a passport to visit canada from USA?

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im getting worried to come back into usa now, we paid for a hotel and everything to go up on canadian side for 3 days, i CAN NOT afford 2 passports right now, ive been reading to get into canada you dont need one but to come home you do? plz help me




  1. No

  2. I go to canada about 4 times a month all you need is a drivers license and a birth certificate.

  3. I've heared that since 9/11 you DO need a passport to enter Canada. When I was a kid, we would visit Niagra Falls yearly and never needed one.

  4. i think they just made it so u have to, for there and mexico...

  5. If you are driving, either Entering of leaving Canada to the us, you only need your Original birth certifacate, and a piece of government issued ID (ex. Driver's Lisence).  I don't know what you mean by 2 passports though, you can only have one.

  6. They are going to change the rules for land border crossings in 2009. As of right now, you DO NOT need a passport to enter Canada and return to the US. You need a government issued photo ID plus your birth certificate (the original or a notarized copy). I've included the link below which indicates what other forms of ID will suffice. As for the 2 only need one. If you are a US citizen, your US passport will permit you entry into Canada, and return to the US.  

  7. If you want to live in Canada you're in luck because you need a passport to come back. If you are going to risk it and go without one, make sure that you bring your birth certificate and plan on having time to hang around at the border.

  8. You do need your passport to go to canada and to go back to the us

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