
Do i need a passport when traveling on a cruise ship?

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Do i need a passport when traveling on a cruise ship?




  1. I believe you do but contact the travel agent or Cruise ship directly for requirements.  On that note I heard a good tip recently was to e-mail a copy of your passport to yourself so If anything were to ever happen you can always obtain a copy of your passport.  I thought that was great advice.  It may take some time to get your passport so you should start the process.  All forms can be obtained on-line and filled out right on the screen and then a simple drug store picture included x2 and your done.

  2. it depends on where you are going but i just want on a 4 day cruise that stopped in key west and all we needed was a birth certifcate and a photo id check withnthe cruise lines they will be able to tell you

  3. it just depends, if the ship is leaving ur countries waters, then deffinatly.

    but i went on a cruise earlier this year, and we just stayed within our waters, and therefore a passport wasnt needed.

    the same thing applies to cruising as it does to any other form of travel. if u leave ur country, a passport is needed.


  5. YES you do.  As must as some people on here will tell you that you don't you HAVE to have one when traveling on a cruise.  As of last year they started requiring it.  My father and my mother both had to have one when they went on cruises.

    I just got back from a 2 week cruise and I had to have my passport to even get on the ship when we first arrived there.  Also they needed my passport number entered into their website a few weeks before the cruise started.  

    Also you need your passport to get back into the US through cutoms.  I was in PR comming back to the US and they asked for my passport, and they ONLY wanted my PASSPORT!

    I knew someone who went on a cruise and they said there were people who didn't have their passport when they arrived for the cruise and they were put in a special room while the captain and staff decided if they were going to be able to go on the cruise.  Needless to say I don't think they got on the ship.

  6. for travelling on cruise you can take full info from

  7. HI!! James if your ship is going on to foreign lands yes you do, but all the 6 cruises i have been on the purser takes your

    passport and gives out a pass to take ashore so you have no worries about losing the passport, or having it stolen. Russia is very strict and if you have not got a visa; or booked any organised trips you will not be allowed off the ship.

    Go and enjoy it, it`s a great holiday.

    Spending on board was easy as you sign for your drinks, shopping, etc, and pay at the end, the day you depart.

  8. As of last year (beginning of the year), all cruise travellers are required to obtain a passport.

  9. only if the ship is leaving the the one i went on we went to jamacia and we needed them

  10. Yes, according to this article

  11. Yes, you'll need your passport when going on a cruise.

  12. June 2009 is the new date passports are required for cruising when you make a complete circuit (leave and return to the same port) If you are flying in or out of the country, or the ship returns to a different pot you will need a passport. ive been on 8, 3 more planned and i still dont have my passport (bad me)

  13. Take my advise. when leaving your own country for ANY reason. always take your passport. I Never leave home without it, who knows what may happen?  you could change your mind half way through the cruise and decide to leave the ship, without your passport, you can't do that.

  14. yes!!

    becuase no matter what they say, your country or not,

    accedents happen. ALWAYS take your password.

  15. Most, if not all cruise lines insist on passengers having a  valid passport prior to boarding.

    It is not a legal requirement at the moment in the US if you are leaving and returning to a US port however the boarding process is simpler and quicker if you do have one.

    Your best bet would be to contact the cruise line directly and find out. If they say you don't need one, make sure you get it in writing and take the letter with you.

    My advice is to have one, makes life a lot easier.

  16. Yes you do

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