
Do i need a permit to stick fliers on people's fences?

by  |  earlier

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i'm trying to advertise earth hour. (shutting off all your lights for one hour

i'm not working for people there, i just feel like i should tell my neighborhood but since i'm 14, i don't really know if i need a permit to stick fliers on people's fences like some small advertisement papers (usually around 6 inches wide made of cardstock) or business cards.




  1. Avoid placing anything on peoples cars you can be charged with mischief and anyone recommending you to do so needs to have their heads read,the car is private property hands off plus do you want to P.O. your neighbours when you set off their car alarms or be charged for cracking their windshield (even if it was damaged before the owner just has to file a report to the police and say it was not cracked before you touched it and they seen you at their car)and don't stick or nail or staple anything to their home or fence it will only annoy them.If you want make up flyer's and deliver them to their mail boxes but you will use and waste more energy in the paper consumption and garbage with the flyer's than it will save .It is a very nice thought though

  2. You can stick them on car windshield wipers and on the outside of people's mailboxes. I suppose fences are fine too, but will they people find them there?  No permit is needed.  It is against the law in many places to post flyers on telephone poles...but other than that you should be fine.

  3. The kind of activity you are talking about should be alright. However, how and where flyers are distributed is up to each city to decide. If you are looking for absolute certainty in what you are about to do, look in the phone book under your city's name to find the office for the laws, if any, on this matter.

    If you're not sure which office or department to call, call any of them and explain your intentions, and I'm sure someone will direct you. Happy posting.

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