
Do i need a protien skimmer for a salt water tank if i have a power filter

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Do i need a protien skimmer for a salt water tank if i have a power filter




  1. Depends. If you have adequate filtration and low amounts of waste in your aquarium, you do not need a protein skimmer. However, if you have a well-stocked aquarium, getting a protein skimmer is a must, to help maintain your aquarium.

  2. the pet shop told me that you do not have to have a protien skimmer, but it is recommended since salt water fish are so sensitive. I have a brackish water tank, and the saltwater does not hurt the filter.  

  3. What you need depends on what you have. A power filter and a protein skimmer are both filtration devices, but they do two very different things in two very different manners.

    Ultimately, there isn't enough information here to answer the question, so I'll be general:

    -Your system will not be hurt by running a protein skimmer.

    -If the power filter is providing good enough filtration for your bioload, then a protein skimmer probably won't be necessary.

    -A good protein skimmer can be costly, but it can be an extremely wise investment, especially if you're getting particularly senstive marine fish or invertebrates.

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