
Do i need a specific luggage lock for flying?

by  |  earlier

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I am going to the Philippines soon and bought some locks for my luggage at a local store, then someone said that i might actually need a specific TSA Luggage Lock that they apparently have a master key for besides your regular combo lock or something. Is this true, and if so, how would i go about getting one?




  1. Yes, they have to be TSA approved - this is true.

    You can find them at any luggage area of stores like Target, WalMart, etc.

    The lock has a special area at the bottom to allow TSA agents to open your luggage if needed without having to break the lock... you are correct when you say a master key.

    The locks are not that expensive, and come in a lot of different colors and sizes for your luggage needs.  I bought mine at Target and I think I paid less than 14.00 each.

    Good luck!

  2. DON'T LOCK YOUR LUGGAGE. TSA will simply break the lock.

    just use lacing cord or a rope around the luggage to hold it closed.

  3. Those who said you need a TSA lock are correct.  if you use a different lock,  and the TSA agent decides to open your suitcase, they will simply break it.  TSA locks are cheap and easy to  find.

  4. yes

    you need one that the people at the airport can open with their special keys

    i think they are the TSA or something but the locks will say that the people can open it otherwise you may not get your luggage through and it won't go through if they can't open it

    i am not sure where to get them but i think you can probably get them at a lerge store maybe like supertarget or walmart more likely walmart or something

  5. you can purchase a lock for your luggage from southwest airlines they are made so that security can get in with a master lock but there is a combination that makes it so nobody else can get in but security

  6. A TSA lock is the best choice, try to buy the tsa lock that opens with a key. Don't buy the tsa combination lock, if you don't set it correctly the first time, you'll be stuck with a useless lock.

    Mabuhay` :o)

  7. No, it is not true that you would need a specific type of lock to secure your luggage.  You can use any ordinary lock. Locks are just used for your own personal peace of mind, that nothing would happen to your luggage or that someone may attempt to open it.  In fact, you are not obliged to even put a lock in your luggage (of course, with a certain risk that it may pry open).

    I travel a lot and just use ordinary locks on my luggage.  Just ensure you have the keys with you (or know the proper combination).

    bon voyage.  the philippines is a great place to visit and enjoy!

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