
Do i need a stronger lense in my glasses?

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I haven't had my eyes checked in atleast 3 years and i have to wear my glasses pretty much all the time cos i just can't see properly, i'm short sighted.

But i've realised lately that when i do take my glasses off which i do sometimes i can't see as well as i did, it's alot more blurred and i really have to focus and it hurts my head.

I've also been getting headaches, like tension headaches, yano like pain in my forehead, the side of my forehead, around my eyes and sometimes down my nose, also in the back of my head which can make my head hurt, this is off and on and i do notice it more when i'm watching the t.v or on the computer.

I don't have any other symptoms.

Should i go and get my eyes checked again?

I'm nearly 19 by the way.

Thanks .x.




  1. get ur eyes checked out first, could be cataracts, gulcoma, or what not, but the optometerist will give you the best answer to your porblem.

  2. Yep, you should get your eyes checked out again.  Nearsightedness usually progresses through the teens and then stabilizes in the late teens or early twenties, so chances are your prescription has changed.  You should get your eyes checked once a year while your eyes are still growing.

    Headaches can be vision related and your optometrist should be able to help you out if yours are.  Good luck!

  3. You should get an eye exam at least every three years for glasses.  Sounds like you need new lenses.

  4. Do i need a stronger lense in my glasses?

    Without an eye exam, not even an eye doctor can answer this question.  It is not possible for you to give enough information to change that.

    As a fellow near sighted person, I CAN say with near certainty that if you have not had an eye exam for 3 years, your eyes HAVE changed and a DIFFERENT prescription would be better than what you currently have.

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