
Do i need anger management? read below ?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so whenever my sister does something i don't like, or are being beyond stupid, i feel angry towards them and start to yell.

for example:

i was in the bathroom today when i heard a knock.

i opened the door an inch and peeked out there

then all of the sudden, my sister pushes the door in my face.

and it REALLY hurt.

right now, a huge bump is forming and its bruising.

and she didn't even say she was sorry.

she yelled at ME!

i felt like punching her.

do i need anger management?




  1. no tell her stay out of the bathroom give you some privacy and please not to shove doors in your face and then yell at you about it. she shouldnt be nosy! and if you can control your anger and not punch her then you have good control.

  2. you should have probably got her in a headlock and make her apologize... lol. That is not nice what she did there, of course your gonna be angry.

  3. Well this is an isolated incident. Based alone  on this incident no. I do think that your sister needs a talking to on manners.  

  4. No your normal. I was eight my sister was 11. We had a house that you could go from the living room, through the kitchen, through the bedroom, through the bathroom and back into the living room. Full circle. She started chasing me on time and I got tired so I waited around the corner for her with my fist straight out. I "accidentially" clocked her one. Knock her right out. I laughed so hard....when she woke up that is. I need anger management too.'ll be looking back on this before you know it.

  5. No you dont.

    That is a completely normal reaction to those types of things.

    I'll explain what would need anger management.

    My bestfriend V is the easiest person to get mad and when he gets mad, he's mad. When he was younger he got mad at a kid for basically no reason and beat him up pretty badly. I accidently made him mad before and if I was there I'm sure I would have been pretty injured. Since we were on the phone he punched this 3 foot long, 4 foot high piece of wood that was at least an inch thick... It cracked straight along it and has a small hole from the actual punch..They tried hitting it with metal poles and everything and couldn't get the same affect.

    Needing anger management would be something like that. Where you physically harm the person really bad everytime something happens. Yelling is one thing, I do that a lot when I'm angry but for me it is uncontrollable, "Idk what the h**l im saying" yelling.

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