
Do i need any type of food licence ? if i sell lamonade or other drinks(non alcoholic) from home?

by  |  earlier

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A Golf course is conected to my homes Back yard so i wana to sell drinks in my back yard to the golfers. can i do that ?




  1. technically NO

    someone could report you and the board of health could come down and fine you....

    If it was cans of pop and stuff you might get off easier...but there are always neighbours who can't mind their own business and cause trouble!

  2. If your a kid you could get away with it. My son has lemonade stands all the time and the cops always stop to buy from him.

  3. I've never seen anyone cited for a lemonade stand:) ... You could also sell bottles of water and cans of soda......

  4. Yea you could but I know I never was and I heard of this one guy on the show "Big Idea" who became a teen millionaire eventually from all sorts of good ideas but he started out with lemonade sales. He would plan when he would sell and then post advertisements all over the city and he said it brought enough people that he would make $20/hr pretty consistently and his parents would just let him do this for however long he wanted. I think he might  have had hot chocolate as well for the cold days.

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