
Do i need drygas in my tank in winter time if there is methanol in the gas ????

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Do i need drygas in my tank in winter time if there is methanol in the gas ????




  1. Unless you're concerned about water collecting in your fuel tank, which rarely happens anymore, drygas is a waste of money.  If you have reason to believe you're going to have water issues, buy some drygas.  If you get too much water in your tank, your alcohol/gasoline mixture will phase separate and your (m)ethanol concentration will drop, affecting octane rating and how clean your fuel burns.  The separated water/alcohol will not likely freeze, but can gunk up your fuel filter pretty badly, which can strand you at an inopportune time.

    Keeping your tank full is the best protection against water collecting in your tank and fuel line.  With the vapor tight fuel caps out today, you rarely get much water vapor entering your tank.  The dry winter air, combined with alcohol's ability to pick up some water, should be enough to avoid fuel line freeze.

  2. For the winter it does not hurt to put gas-line anti-freeze in with each fill up also if you keep your tank full you get less condensation which is good

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