
Do i need external filter for this nano reef aqurium???

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My tank is currently set up as a freshwater aquarium but I will convert it to a nano reef aquarium by purchasing the following equipment

Heater (already have this item)

Protein Skimmer

Live premium Fijian rock (5kg – 10kg)

Live sand

Aqua One hang on the back filter (already have this item)

Basically I want to know I would still need to go out and buy an external filer as the aquarium will have live rock and live sand as the biological filter, protein skimmer as the mechanical filter and the hang on the back filter if needed.




  1. My nano reef aquaruim happily survives with the inbuilt filter but i have a smaller one aswell.I have an 80 litre nano and a 450 litre big kahuna, my 450 of course has a big filter too.

    I have a small filter sitting in the tank that sticks to the glass to move the water round, which also in turn helps my corals, these are only about £15 to buy!

    The live rock will seriously help with the filtering and maturization of your tank, as will the live sand help. You will be absolutely fine without having to buy the extra filter.

    Good luck, and remember to let your tank mature over weeks before adding your fish. If you want any more info you can mail me as i've been mad about this hobby for the last 8 months! Hence jumping from the 80 to the 450! hee hee!

  2. a reef needs water movement (it's how all those things that grow in the rocks eat). An external filter allows for the returning water to come back in directional jet form, which causes the current which makes a reef successful. You can probably get away with a hang on the back so long as it's very large, but you'll want to buy a power head to get that water motion. Some of the new ones have motion heads that simulate tidal currents. They're pretty cheap compared to just about everything else so it might be the best route to go.

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