
Do i need glasses?i decided to have my eye a free check up and the following are the result?

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when im infront of a computer and tv after watching or reading for about 10-20 mins my vision becomes blurred and sometimes i dont understand why my vision is blurry when i wake up in the morning and sometimes its not. I decided to have my eye a free check up and the following are the result


-0.75 -0.50 173A

-0.75 -0.75 7A

-0.75 -0.50 8A

AVE -0.75 -0.50 3


-0.50 -0.00 A

-0.50 -0.00 A

-0.75 -0.00 A

AVE -0.50 -0.00

PD = 70

do i need to wear glasses base on the result? if yes do i need to wear them daily?




  1. Ask your optometrist / opthamologist.

  2. Yes. But your short-sightedness is only slight. Consult an optometrist for more detailed advice.  

  3. You hardly need to use glasses with that prescription but only use them when it is absolutely necessary. My left eye is 0.00 (perfect vision) and my right eye is -2.00 (its weird and annoying when your eyes see differently from each other) and I usually use my glasses when I want to see distance.

    Hope this helps!

  4. I am just wondering where you got this free eye test from? If its from an optometrist, its unusual for him/her to give you 3 different results like this.

    But based on the average script. Yes, you will probably need glasses for distance. You have -0.75 in 1 meridian and -1.25 (0.75-0.50) in another meridian and that is quite high.

    As you have some astigmatism in your right eye, i am thinking that is the cause of your blurriness and headaches.

    A trip to an optometrist is recommended and they will advice you on what to do.


  5. That's an autorefractor printout.  Who the h**l is doing those for free and giving the results to people?  Those numbers aren't going to do you any good.  All they tell me is that you probably need an eye exam and some glasses.  

  6. you would know if u needed glasses  

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