
Do i need more iron...i'm a vegeterian?

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i'm a vegeterian and i overheard this girl saying that she takes iron pills because she's a vegeterian.

also, does iron only come from meat?




  1. There's iron in green leafy veggies (spinach), and some nuts. You only probably need iron if you're a female, IMO.

  2. Honestly unless you have a problem digesting meat you are a human being and you need meat. I'm sorry if I sound mean, but the less pills you have to take the better. Animals eat animals and meat is also (and we're animals) important for other reasons as well. You just don't want to eat too much of it. However, dark green leafy veggies come with lots of iron.

    Good Luck I hope this helps.

  3. Probably.  It is true that there are a lot of plant sources of iron, but for most of them, you would have to eat an unreasonable amount in order to get enough iron.  If you are feeling fatigued or weak, this is definitely a sign that you need more iron.

    To maximize you ability to absorb the iron that is found in plant products, make sure you are eating your vegetables cooked, particularly those of the cruciferous family, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and the like.  They don't have to be cooked to death, but they contain an enzyme that blocks the absorption of minerals, and that enzyme is broken down during cooking.

    Also, eat your veggies with natural butter or cream - these will help your body to get the most out of the nutrients found in vegetables.

    Also eat your veggies with some kind of acid, tomatoes, oj, a glass of wine, whatever floats your boat.

    Happy eating!

  4. No, there are lots of vegetarian foods that are high in iron. They include black beans, bran flakes, cashews, Cream of Wheat, garbanzo beans (chickpeas), GrapeNuts, kidney beans, lentils, navy beans, oatmeal, pumpkin seeds, raisins, soybeans, soymilk, spinach, sunflower seeds, tofu, tomato juice, and whole wheat bread.

    Young women tend to have higher rates of anemia compared to the overall population, regardless of diet. So it's a good idea for all young women to take a multivitamin that contains iron.

    To the person who said that humans "need" meat -- that is simply not true. The American Dietetic Association is one of the nation's leading nutrition experts and it supports vegetarian diets. It says that "vegetarian diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases."

  5. You should take the iron pills.

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