
Do i need my parents to get contacts?

by Guest31894  |  earlier

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Well Ive been thinking and my eye sight isnt very good anymore and I want to get contacts not glasses and my parents arent very supportive so I want to know If I can go without taking my parents and if what or any problems I may run into. Money not being a problem.




  1. Legally if you are a minor (under 18), then you can't. If you are 18 or older you can do what every you please.

  2. Do you currently wear glasses? Do you have Astigmatism? If you're under eighteen you might need your parents to sign several things, especially if it's covered under insurance. Keep in mind that if you have astigmatism contacts can be very obnoxious. You have to wear special lenses called Toric lenses which automatically rotate when you blink but certain brands may not work well for your eyes. I had to go through 4 lenses until I found a brand that I was content with.

  3. I used to go by myself to the eye doctor when I was underage.  I'm sure you'll be fine--they usually don't care as long as they get the money for the appt. and whatever else you get.  Make sure you have your insurance card, etc. too if you use one.  Good luck...contacts are a god-send.  (By the way, I would recommend getting a pair of glasses too--even if they are cheap ones.  If I'm sick or having a bad day I usually end up wearing my glasses).

  4. It would depend on how old you are and if the eye doctor is willing to without your parents consent. Maybe you should try to explain to your parents why you want contacts. I got contacts when I was in 8th grade because I was playing sports and it was hard to wear my glasses with sweat, helmets, etc. But if you explain to them why you want them maybe they'll consider it.

  5. If you are using their vision insurance and/or are under 18, you'll probably need them at the appointment. If you are willing to pay for everything yourself (which could get expensive) I'd suggest you call the office where you plan to go and see what the office policy is with minors.

    It would be much better to get your parents on board with you. Suggest they go with you to the appointment and ask the doctor if contact lenses would be a good option for you. It will be easier to get their support if a doctor recommends it.

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