
Do i need my wisdom teeth pulled out?

by  |  earlier

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im 16, turning 17 in november. im kind of worried about getting wisdom teeth pulled out.they still havent come out yet but i wanted to know ahead of time.

first of all, how can you tell when their coming out, like are their any symptoms (ex. headaches)

and also does everyone need to have them pulled out?

if this helps i have braces right now, the damon kind




  1. ok well youll know when they start to grow in it hurts a little..but if it hurts alot like when you chew and stuff and if you get headaches prior to these pains then youll need them pulled out (if one hurts growing in then they all will hurt so if you get one pulled out get them all) not everyone needs to get them pulled out. Go for regular checkups on your teeth especially w/ braces your orthadontist could also help you decide if they need to be pulled out.

  2. It hurt a little when mine were growing in.  I would chew and food would get smashed in my gums back hurt.  I am 22 and still have mine.  I have no problems with my teeth (went to the dentist two weeks ago actually.)  My only complaint it it's hard to brush and floss all the way back there.

  3. most people have to have them removed becuase they have problems with them ie. they don't fit in thier mouth, they have bad roots etc... if they aren't giving you problems and they didn't think you would need them out when you got your braces chances are you won't have to have them removed.  when i got braces they took mine out cause i didn't have room in my mouth mine hadn't even thought about growing in yet.

  4. Mine didn't hurt at all before I had them taken out. I was curious about it when I went to the dentist so they took x-ray's. I only had 3, some people only have 2, or some have 5. You wont necessarily have to have them out, it's only if they are not going to come in properly (which most don't) that you will need to have them out. Your parents not having theirs out makes no difference on yours. If you are really concerned just ask your dentist to take x-ray's it only takes 5 minutes or so for them to do and they will be able to tell if they need to come out or not.

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