
Do i need proof if im staying in a friends house in hongkong?

by  |  earlier

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Im going to my friends house in hong kong i live and was born in uk. Do i need proof if im going to stay at there house? what do i need? and do i need to take a certain amount of money with me to hongkong? whats the minimum if im staying at there house? please answer anything you can i have less than 2 months 2 sort this out :(




  1. You don't say how old you are.  Maybe, a minor??

    Need proof of what?  Your age??  If things are this iffy; you need to contact some authorities before going.    If you are flying; you probably have to have a passport, ID, etc.

    You shouldn't take an yahoo answer as gospel.  You should find out where you live; what is the proper way to do all of this.  Just call a legal authorized state department or equivalent and get all of the information that you need.

    Have a great and safe trip.

    Do you have parents that could help you with this?

  2. your best contacting honk knog embassy before hand as they can refuse you at there airport after travelling all that way, am sure there is also websites that test you to see if you qualify for a two year stay. i assume you need money in your account, i no that for to go to newzealand your need at least 3 grand in your account incase of emergencys

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