
Do i need reit exposure in my retirement accounts if i am a 28 year old investor?

by  |  earlier

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i have about 40 k in target-date investments at vanguard and i'm debating whether or not to transfer 3k(their minimum) into a reit index fund.




  1. Not a bad idea but I'd limit it to about 5% of your total portfolio.  Check the target date fund asset allocation first - it may actually have a REIT component.

  2. Need ? Maybe not, but not a bad idea...maybe they have " nowhere to go but up".... also the whole idea of target-date is sort of conservative for a 28 year old. You can do a lot better if you just spend a little ( and I mean little) time reading and comparing some funds... you're young enough to put 20 or 30 % of your money into sectors that are "performing" right now.... energy or nat resources may get you some 20% returns for a few years yet... get a big lump in the IRA to get a real snowball effect as the years go by.

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