
Do i need some permit to go door knocking for donations around my neighbourhood? its for the earthquake.?

by  |  earlier

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I want to go door knocking with 2 of my friends and ask for donations around my neighbourhood. Then i will donate the money to red cross for the earthquake relief. Do i need some sort of licence or permit? can someone please direct me in the right direction. THANK U.




  1. good for you keep up the good work

  2. Naw, that's fine.

  3. i think that it would be best to tell a governing body that you are doin this as there are people out there who do this to line there own pockets,not saying you are but you will be able to get a charity number and have no worries.

    good luck with the collecting and its a shame that there are not more people like you. WELL DONE

  4. Most municipalities in the US have ordinances that require you to get a permit first, but these are not usually strictly enforced. Your local city hall will be able to tell you.

  5. I dont think that you will need a permit, however if I was giving to someone at the front door I would only give to someone who is registered.

    Sounds like your heart is in the right place, why don't you go the whole hog and have a charity night at your local church hall, make it a quiz night and raffle ask others to help, approach local shops for prizes.  You may find the result much better and have more fun in doing it.  Good luck.

  6. No. I would say you don't need to worry yourself about getting a permit to go knocking at people's doors.

    Just think, do the girl scout's need a permint to sell their girl scout cookies ?

    I just want to say I hope you get a great amount of money and that is awesome that you are doing that.

    Good Job!

    Have a great day !


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