
Do i need to buy outlet adaptors for when i go to mexico?

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will i be able to plug in my phone charger, hair straightener/curler, or anything else electronic? do i need to buy an adapter?




  1. You MAY have some problem depending on whether or not you are staying in  newer hotel.

    Adapters are at Sorianas and Wall-Mart for a couple bucks if you have any trouble

  2. Not if you are from the states and going to a tourist town. If you are traveling somewhere remote I would breing some just in case.

  3. Your OK butttt. Most / many outlets in Mexico lack the third grnd pin like the US has. Phone charger is fine but Im certain you hair curler DOES have the grnd. pin

  4. I used to live in mexico and I never had any problems with my electronics. However, you may want to buy a adapter if it includes a surge protector. Depending on where you will be going electricity can be "rationed" and surges can be common.

  5. The only adapter you might need is a female 3 prong (Grounded) other to a male 2 pronged male plug. Many places in Mexico have old wiring that do not have the third rounded hole below and between the two straight holes. You can buy them at any supermarket or hardware store in the US, and MANY places in Mexico. They are under a buck.

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