
Do i need to change my legal name?

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If my legal name on my birth certificate is spelled McKenzie, is it legal to spell my name like Mckenzie instead? This is how I prefer to sign it , but I am not sure if I need to change it legally? It is still spelled with the same letters, but without the capital so I'm not sure if it makes a diff,,,plus my Social Security card shows my name in all caps.




  1. I'd change your name completely. Mac means SON OF.

  2. it's not that big of a deal.

    everyone signs there name differently. My father only put J and the scribbles the rest.

    If you are filling out really important papers I would go ahead and capitalize the k just in case though

  3. it should nto make a difference if you spell it with a K or a k it is still the same name.

  4. I don't think it matters. You can sign your name however you want.

  5. I don't think it makes a difference. because gov't systems use computers either ways to label a person and a minor thing like a McK or Mck means very little to any public agency.

  6. I think you can. I have a friend who has a capital in her name but I've never seen her use it.

  7. The only thing a signature has to match is your signature.

    Most signatures are unreadable so how is anyone going to know if it's spelled correctly?

    As long as you always sign your name similarly it won't matter.

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