
Do i need to get UK visa for my child who is a minor?

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Do i need to get UK visa for my child who is a minor?




  1. Yes. When I traveled to Russia, I was 16, I needed a Visa and Passport.

  2. are you an US citizen ? if so ,your child will need his own passport ,it is now required ,

    you do not need a visa to enter the UK if you are a US citizen

  3. I look this up in the AAA travel guide of Europe. You don't need a Visa to visit the UK for less than six months. Passport is what you need along with a international driver permit. The web site link is the U.S. State department requirement for traveling to the UK. Check it out.

  4. If your child is using your passport, as in they are listed in your passport, then you only need to get just your visa, it'll cover both of you. But of your child has his/her own passport, then you'll need to get a visa for them.

  5. It might help if you clarified what country you are from to begin with.

  6. most likely yes!

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