
Do i need to go to the dentist?

by  |  earlier

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I Got my wisdom teeth removed about 2 months ago. There were no issues but now I have like this lump where one of them was removed it doesn't really hurt until I eat but I feel it when I bite down but even that don’t hurt there is a sort of stinging feeling and I woke up with a sore throat this morning what do you think it is I hate dentist




  1. Call the dentist.  We cannot evaluate you here.

  2. I think you should go to a dentist, not only because you had your wisdom teeth pulled out two months ago,but because your gums in your mouth shouldn't be swallon.I think you should go get a check up with your dentist if you don't it might get worse.For now I suggest until you make an appointment with your dentist again you should eat soft food nothing to hard that way it will not hurt as much when you bite down.Also some times when you drink a lot of liquids it helps a little too.Hope your mouth feels better soon, just be really careful.

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