
Do i need to go to the doctors?

by  |  earlier

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well for over a couple of months now i have had this black little skin thing. its hard to explain but its like a bug bite but hardened and black on my leg. its kinda like dead skin. so like i've never really payed attention to it until just right now. i was picking at it and when i scratched the black dead skin off my leg ( by the way its very tiny, like a bug bite) it started to bleed profusely. Blood was everywhere and i was applying pressure to it until it stopped.tons of blood was constantly coming out out this tiny hole on my leg. i finally got it to stop by pouring hydrogen peroxide and it made the bleeding stop. i lost a lot of bleed and am wondering what should i do now. the bleeding has stop and i feelkinda woozy now but maybe thats my nerves. i know this is very long but im very worried so please help me with any advice you have. Thank you




  1. Sounds like you have picked off a melanoma (Skin cancer) conected with a vein or artery.

    You will need to go to the Doctor's fairly soon but not this moment.

    Go put your feet up to raise your BP level again.

    Have a glass of orange juice if you have any. If not try some water.

    If the site starts bleeding again. Apply lot's of pressure and raise your leg up. And rest.

    Go to your Doctor soon.

  2. it sounds like skin cancer, you should probably get it checked

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