
Do i need to pluck my eyebrows? lol?

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well i used to pluck my eyebrows in seventh grade but i stopped in eighth cause it just took me too much time.

Do i need to start plucking again?




  1. Nah! Not nearly bad enough to bother!

  2. No guy will notice, some girls may but you can just beat them up if they say anything /roar

  3. Maybe just for shaping, but, your eyebrows look fine.

  4. if you think you need to,

    that's just another way of primping or making your appearance seem "better" to others.

    keep that in mind, &as long as YOU think you look good (;

  5. I don't think so. I've never plucked mine and they have a good natural shape and it looks like yours are fine too.

  6. If you want to.

  7. no.  you don't have a monobrow and when they are too thin they look tacky (in my opinion).

  8. hmmm it's kinda hard to tell because its so dark.. but i'm guessing no. Its not like you have a huge chunky unibrow. :] (no offense) lol and by the way i  love your hair.

  9. Get them waxed at a salon. Don't do them yourself....

  10. You dont have to :) Your eyebrows are fine..

    Not everyone plucks their eyebrows.. I dont.. I just dont see the point in it.. unless its a monobrow, then its a different story.  

  11. you dont NEEEED to...

    but once you get a little older i would suggest you do. maybe in about a year when you feel its more important

  12. they look fine to me.

    but i would suggest getting them waxed by a professional,

    because they'll shape them for you,

    and it will make your face look instantly prettier.

    just a little beauty secrete, nice eyebrows are like a huge part of a pretty face.

  13. You've got good shape and thin hair.  I personally think they look fine, but if you do end up wanting them to be a little bit thinner and more arched just go to a salon where they do waxing.  It's fast and close to painless, you would think it kills, but if you can suffer through plucking ... waxing is a BREEZE.

  14. they look fine to me and if you were too do that because of the amount of answers you get to a yes, then like do it like kinds at the end above your eye but they look good =]

  15. Not at all =) You look just fine to me! learn not to mess with your face unless you have to, you're a pretty girl, so enjoy yourself when you look in the mirror, don't look for flaws.

  16. they actually look kinda nice, but just a bit wouldnt hurt. maybe get them waxed?

  17. Yeah you just need to wax or pluck them on the bottom because they are uneven. But they are pretty by the way...LOL

  18. They look good and thick, but they don't have much shape. I would consider creating an arch.

  19. not too much

    just a little


  20. Well I don't think they look really bad. Mine are way worse if I don't pluck them. Maybe have them waxed a little on the ends to thin the ends and then keep that area plucked. However if you decide not to, they don't look bad.

  21. Yes, but they are too spread apart I am not sure if that is natural or if it is from overly plucking. Try just arching them.

  22. thick eyebrows are in this season and....

    oh my god how old are you?

    why do you even care

    you've got the rest of your life to care what shape your eyebrows are!

  23. It looks fine but if it bothers you, then go plucking.

  24. they look alright..maybe a teeny bit :)

  25. get someone to shape them for you eyebrows  make a person look different

  26. You look great.  You eyebrows frame your face beautifully.  

  27. u might want to, there a little bushy...but three nothing to worry about,there fiine if you dont want to

  28. if your that worried..

    go get them waxed.

  29. I don't think so.  Any more and you might over pluck and it will look like you have hardly any eyebrows.  My suggestion is they look a little short. Maybe if you pluck them that way than you should let them grow in a little so you can shape them longer.  You could always use an eyebrow pen if worst comes to worst. ;D

  30. get them waxed

  31. maybe just a little!  

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