
Do i need to register a vehicle in my name if i am taking abroad fom uk to spain, do i need greencard?

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Do i need to register a vehicle in my name if i am taking abroad fom uk to spain, do i need greencard?




  1. The car insurance must have you as a named driver.

    and you must have written permission to take the car out of the uk by the owner you will need the car documents mot,ins,and ownership papers and they must stay with the vehicle as long as you have a new british photo licence with the eu emblem complete you can drive in spain indefinatly older types must be changed to the spanish licence.

    The car can only be driven in spain for 6 months legally.

    to get round this take the car out of Spanish territory and keep the reciept and go back allows another 6 months.

    Dont mess with the police here either on the spot fines are expensive so do you homework.

    if your thinking of living here get a Spanish car 2 reasons lot easier to drive as they drive on theopposite side of the road and you adapt pretty quickly to this and second the police are not stupid if they see a british frontera once they know to pull it as 9 out of 10 its no mot or insurance as its hard to get insurance here

    also to metriculate the car is not always straight forward.

    and if your driving spanish police dont seem to bother you as much.

    ho one other thing get brakdown cover its illigal to tow in Spain.

    Spanish insurance covers breakdown recovery good idea the uk should have that.

    try these they should help good luck

  2. If you are bringing a car to Spain you do need the Green Card Insurance.  If it is not registered in your name, then you need to make sure you are registered as a named driver on the insurance.

    If you intend to live in Spain then once here you will need to get the car "matriculated" onto Spanish plates, which costs about 800 euros.  

    You are legally entitled to drive the car on UK plates for 6 months, before you switch the plates.

  3. Bit confusing. It's going to cause lots of problems if the vehicle is registered to someone else, and licence and insurance papers are in your name.

    Green cards are no longer required by law, but in the event of accident, it may make things easier.

    From your question, I don't think you have done much research into the motoring requirements of the countries you are travelling through to get to Spain. (Unless you are travelling direct e.g. to Bilbau) Different countries have different requirements, check before you go.

    Hope this helps. Have a good trip!

  4. If I understand correctly you want to take a car from the UK to Spain. If this is the case you better check to see if Spain acknowledges the car. In some countries if the car is not acknowledged they will not let you drive it on the road.

  5. Hi, it depends who you are and what you need it for. Yet it always helps. If you are a British citizen, or from other EU country you do not need anything. However, the car will need to have somekind of international insurance not necessaruly "la carta verde". The green card is a good option since it comes in several languages and Spanish police is not famous for their language skills. Regardless other types of international insurances can cover your car´s insurance in Spain so the green card is not obligatory

    If you are bringing a car to Spain and it is not registered in your name, then you need to make sure figure as the driver in the insurance. Also you can get an International Drivers Licence, even if you do not need it since English licenses are accepted for several months.This licenses are extended by the Royal Automotive Clubs Asoc of the world and usually include an offer for optional insurance for driver and his car. Since they are a semi-oficial organization and international too they are very knowledgeable on any requirement for drivinf there and they will be much better informed that any local insurance company.

    Another advantage is their prices are often more competitive and the licences and insurance policies are good usually for other countries too. So even though you will have to pay some for the license they are not expensive, easy to get and you get better info, service and conditions than from a local agent.

    Since let us say "tourist driving" only entitles youto drive the car with UK plates for 6 months. If you intend to live in Spain you need to get new plates "matricular" el coche, which costs depending on the car from 700 -1000 euros.

    Also your car will need to pass the ITV or compulsive vehicle inspection, which is done in special locations you can call or just drive in and costs about 75 - 100 Euros , Good luck & Best regards


    PS: In Europe we call Green card, carta verde,  to a compulsory automovil driving and insurance licence, which you need to get to drive in non EU countries. Other EU drivers or cars do not require the green card an international insurance is enough

  6. I think you had better contact the DVLC and ask them. As far as I was concerned when I drove over (years ago) the car had to be registered in your name for 6 months prior to leaving. But things could have changed alot since then.

    You do need the green card absolutely.

    If you intend to keep the car here indefinitely then that is another thing entirely. Search google for British Insurance Companies in Spain and ask them what to do, if you intend to remain here.

    Good luck

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