
Do i need to take any postgrad in Actuarial science to be an Actuary?

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or this will be better if i take the professional exam gradually rather than investing lots of money to university as i got masters in Maths?




  1. I'd say a masters in maths would be acceptable, but a post grad in actuarial will exempt you from some of the exams later on.

    If you are studying full time, chances are you'll qualify quicker than if you have to earn a living during the day. The quicker you qualify the quicker you start earning better money. Probably still better off getting a job with what you have now... but do think about the alternative.

  2. In order to get a job as an actuary, most corporations will take you with a bachelor's.  By this time, you will probably have taken around 3 of the 7 professional exams.  The company will probably hire you and help you work towards passing the other tests and getting your Master's.  After you accomplish this, you will probably have paid off any student loans, acquired some job experience, and set yourself up for a very profitable career.

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