
Do i need to take malaria tablets in riveria maya mexico?

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do u recommend taking malaria tablets are there lots of mosquitoes.?




  1. Yes there are mosquitos but , alot ???   NO I would not say alot.There are far more things to worry about than that. Seriously mosquitos can be handled with a repellant but dont go overboard with malaria tablets. Keep in mind carriyng the tablets thru the security checkpoints if your flying.......

  2. have more to worry from timeshare vendors! if venturing into the jungle to explore archeological sites, insect repellent will do and it is readily available in almost every store. just remember to remove insect repellent or sunblock before jumping into any of the areas beautiful cenotes if its not collects in the cenote and may damage it.

  3. No malaria, no need for malaria tablets. Lots of mosquitos tho'

  4. You don't need mallaria pills here in México; we DON'T have mallaria. That is a problem in África, not in América (...and, as you must know, México is in América), (not USA, the continent).

    There are some mosquitoes, you will need repelent, but you can buy it once you are there.

  5. Malaria isn't a disease that really exists in Mexico. We do have a disease called dengue which is a serious and possibly life threatening disease. Just like malaria, dengue is passed by infected mosquitos.

    The disease is prevalent in southeastern Mexico (mostly in jungle areas) during the rainy season. However, the deadly form of the disease happens when you get infected with the exact same strain of the parasite in less than a 3 month period (which would be really bad luck I must say). However, this form of the disease is very rare and it mostly only affects mexicans that live here, not tourists.

    The regular form of the disease causes a severe fever and a lot of pain which is treated with painkillers. There is no vaccine or treatment, you only treat it's symptoms. The disease doesn't affect a region like Mexico City because the specific species of mosquito can't survive the altitude of the city.

    However, don't get too overly alarmed about dengue, chances are you won't get it. Just bring repellant and sunblock and wear clothes that cover your spin.

    Oh, another interesting disease that affects those regions of Mexico (but it would be highly unlikely you'll get it unless you sleep on the floor of a dirty mud house) is a disease called Chagas which is also caused by a parasite carried by the bite of a common insect and causes in the long run heart failure. This disease however is easily treatable with antibiotics if detected early. It doesn't affect tourists though (I can't imagine regular tourists sleeping on dirty floors in little shacks in the jungle).

  6. We do NOT have malaria in mexico, we have been malaria free for a very loooong time! You might need an insect repelant because you will se a lot of mosquitos, but none of them will give you more than 2 or 3 days of itch

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