
Do i need to take my engagement ring off the day of my wedding?

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Do i need to take my engagement ring off the day of my wedding?




  1. When you get married you can put the wedding ring after the engangment ring...but it is all up to what you want to do, and if the ring is a set or not. Do what you feel is better!

  2. I think you do. Maybe. Ask your mom or someone who has been married. I would keep it on. They're both very special rings to have and i cant wait for the day i get mine. ^_^

  3. I wore mine on my other hand until the ceremony was over.

  4. before the ceremony, yes.  Once your wedding ring is on then you can put the engagement ring over that.  Your wedding ring is supposed to be closer to you heart.

  5. i think , don't need take off ,

  6. There are no hard and fast rules on this one. I know for me I had to take mine off because I wanted my wedding band and engagement ring to be sautered together. Not all rings are like this. You can either take it off, wear it on your right hand during the ceremony or leave it on and afterwards switch the engagement ring to the front of the wedding band. I don't think anyone will care. This is something that is entirely up to you on how traditional or non traditional you want to be. The wedding is not all about the ring- it is about your bond together. The love. The ring is only a symbol.

  7. No, you can have him put the wedding band in front of the engagement ring and you can switch it if you want later.

  8. Put the engagment ring on your right hand or another left hand finger during the ceremony.

    After you exit the ceremony site you can put it back on your left ring finger.  Just make sure the wedding band is closest to your palm.  It's very common to wear both rings at once.

  9. Some women wear it on their right hand during the ceremony then switch it later.

    Most women typically wear it on their left hand and put the wedding band on top of it, then switch it later on the way to the reception or whatever. :-)

  10. I wore mine on my right hand until the ceremony was finished, then I switched it to my left hand

  11. If you follow as traditionally is done, then as long as the wedding band is placed closer to your heart when the groom places it upon your finder, you can do it any way you want.  I had been married and at that time I placed the engagement ring on my right hand upon waking on my wedding morning.

    I think it's totally up to you as to how you want to do it.

  12. you can wear it on your right hand until after he puts on your wedding band.  They say that your wedding band needs to be closest to your heart.

  13. Only to have the groom put your wedding ring on your finger.

  14. of course duhh.. where is your forever marriage ring going to go?? but this is what i did.. i put my engagement ring on my right hand so my marriage ring  it in the left.. thats where it goes...

  15. You have two options for the day of your wedding when it comes to getting your wedding band: 1.) You could take your ring off completely and give it to your MOH to hold until after the ceremony when you put it back on, or 2.) Put your ring on the ring finger of your right hand during the ceremony and put it back on your left hand afterwards. It's up to you!

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