
Do i need to train my dog?

by  |  earlier

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I have a year old maltese. and she has never been trained by a professional. She is sweet and kind and listens well and also he is house-broken. she is smart too. she is friendly with everyone. but whenever i try to take somethng away from her she gives me that growling facial expression and just barks really hard at me. such as cotton balls, she LOVES them! sometimes she wil try to eat it and i'l tr to take it away.... and like today i had some Korean BBQ ribs and she took one and i try to take it away because i dont want her to swallow the bone or anything....then she gave me taht growling face and started to attack me... i tr y to scream at her ..after awhile she calm down and now she is back to normal........why does she do this? am i doin somthing wrong? should i not bother her when she does this?/?




  1. She is showing aggression so she can have what she way to help this is to train her by taking one thing away that's bad and replacing it with something that is ok..

  2. She does that because you let her get away with it.

    It is never a bad idea to work on some obedience and have her respect you as the leader.

  3. She may have possessive aggression, which is where she gets aggressive when you come after things that she claims as HERS.

    Here is a website with info for you.

  4. if you want.

    just train some basic moves.

  5. you can try to train her on your own, mostly by telling her to "drop it" and placing a treat (highly desired food item mine likes hot dogs) in front of her nose. When she drops it, give her the treat and lots of praise. You may not want to fork over the money for a training class but I found it was a good way to socialize my dog and to form a stronger bond between the two of us.

  6. If you don't train're going to get the lovely responsibility of paying a veterinarian to open her up surgically and remove something from her system. She should not be permitted to get to any level such as where one might keep food. This is irresponsibility and lack of structure on your part. I would highly recommend speaking with a trainer about basic instruction for your girl. If not, she's going to continue to rule the roost and one of the two of you will eventually pay for it (or both). You will NEVER go wrong with fully training your dog no matter how big or small. Larger dogs are usually trained better because of their size...but small dogs can cause just as many problems as big dogs can. If this were my dog, I would have her behavior evaluated by a behavorist (trainer) and have her in puppy classes promptly. It will only get worse with time.

  7. She is your pack leader. Pretend your a dog, and you live in a pack, you and her and the rest of your family. She is kind, sweet and listens to you, but when you try to take something, in her eyes, that belongs to her, you should be punished, so she bites you. This is a warning sign for future aggression. You should try correcting her when she does this, yelling won't help, you just confuse her. Watch the Dog Whisperer with Cesar Milan, and if that doesn't work, consult a professional, and take her there, because she could become possessive of other things in the future too, and that's not good. Good luck.

  8. lol, she has dominated you.she does not feel like u r dominate. she feels like u should listen to her,like u dont tell her what to do. sorry if this dont make sense. my dog did this to me and thats what the trainer said to me. there is different ways to dominate ur dog,but it dont really work. your supposed to lay the dog on its back and hold its chest,dont let the dog get up until it stops fighting u. you can also hold the dog in the air(one hand on each side) have the dog facing you and again hold the dog until it stops trying to win,when the dog gives up,that means u dominated it in strength. my dog dont care and as soon as i put him down,he bites me.

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