
Do i need to use a carpet stretcher to install carpet. How does this work.?

by Guest67010  |  earlier

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If i don't use one will it still work alright




  1. you need to use one. unlike the old days, the newer carpet stretchers span the whole room and lengthen to pull the carpet taut. if you do not use one your carpet is going to be prone to bunch up or "waving". simply using bigger trim is not a good answer. rent one cheap at home depot or any rental store.

  2. it will look ok for about a year and then puckers will start appearing definetly need a stretcher, and the other thing is you will be lost if you have never used one before...It's not one of them "it's too hard" things, it"s more along the lines of it takes expeirence before you get the hang of it and learn to stretch the carpet correctly..........if you want it done right, trust me hire someone who knows what they are doing...

  3. You should use one it grips carpet and you hit it with your knees to stretch it if not use large molding and let it set for a few days.

  4. no, maybe it really depends on the size of the room if it is a living room or a high traffic area then yea but if it is like a bedroom or something then i wouldnt go through the trouble just cut it to size and let it sit there tack it in the corners and be done with it!!  but there are two kinds of stretchers if u happen to have a smaller space that one piece of carpet can fill then u can use the big long stretcher and where u have to jnoin to ends of carpet u will have to use the lil one that u bash with your knee while using a lil iron type thing to heat up a wide peice of super sticky tape stuff to seal the carpet together to make it look like one peice

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