
Do i need to wax my board after riding rough ??

by Guest64392  |  earlier

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i was just wondering if need to wax my board again, i went snowboarding today and the snow condition was ICE, it was horrible. so now i thik the bottom of my board is dry and i got some gouges, i don't know if i need to wax it again or not, but i already waxed it before i went.

is it good to just wax it anyways ??




  1. I always strip and wax mine after riding on icy conditions. I guarantee the ice killed your waxjob. It also gives you a chance to get your base squeaky clean so you can get some P-Tex into those gouges! Remember if you're doing base repair ALWAYS clean all the wax off FIRST. THEN put the ptex in the gouges.

    I know for a while Forum put speed divots in the base of their boards, but I've never head of someone slashing their board up for better control. it makes no sense. your control comes from your edges, not your base. I follow the general rule that bigass gouges in my board are bad so I fill them in.

    ALSO! Be careful Chicks dig scars, not p-tex burns!

  2. if u waxed it and snow got stuck then u shouldn't have waxed it ask people around where u snow board and what they do to their board.

  3. You say it seems like your board is dry - that's a SURE SIGN that it's time to wax it again.

    And Yes - generally it is a good idea just to wax anyways.

    If you want to get the most out of your board you should definitely strip the wax off of it, p-tex the gouges and scrape the excess off with a metal scraper, leaving the base very smooth.  

    Then hot wax the board, and scrape off all the excess, then lightly buff with a brush or scotchbrite pad - the heat from hotwaxing opens up the pores of the base so it will absorb the wax...this is the purpose of hot actually get the wax into the base, which protects it from drying out.

    Too many people neglect to tune and wax their boards properly and would be amazed at the performance gain and longevity they can get out of keeping a board in proper tune. Most people I ride with, myself included, hot wax about every 4-5 days of riding, and cold wax (liquid or paste) before every single day with proper wax for the temp. and snow conditions - although the cold waxing in between is not completely neccesary the hotwaxing IS!

    I would certainly NOT follow the other answer of taking a knife to the bottom of your board!  That's counter-productive!  If your board was supposed to have anything like that on the base it would've come from the factory like that - it didn't for a very good reason!

    You can save a ton of money by learning how to tune your board yourself vs having it done at a shop. Just invest in a few tools and take some time to learn how to do it properly.  The best advice I can give you is to TAKE YOUR TIME when tuning so you get it right, don't be in a hurry as you're likely to s***w it up!

    There are a lot of sites on the web that can teach you how, I would recommend the following one to you, but it's far from the only one out there - take a look around, and learn everything you can!

    Again, keeping your board in proper tune will make a huge difference at the mountain - I promise!

  4. Noo!

    I even suggest taking a knife and just scratching the bottom of your board every so often. It ads texture, and is great for control.

  5. I usually only wax to fill my gashes. Otherwise, I prefer the feel of the unwaxed base. All personal preference tho.

  6. Clean the base and hot wax it.  It can't hurt.  If you can't do this yourself take it to a shop.  Ice will strip out wax faster, as does man made snow.  If you ride a lot of east coast c**p like I do you should be waxing pretty often.  Rub on pastes and waxes are a good quick fix but a hot wax gets deeper into the board and stops the base getting dry and brittle.  If you want texture in the base use a stiff brush or some Scotch Brite after you wax.  I've never heard of someone knifing the base of their board but it sounds like the worst thing you could do.

  7. i would say only if you got some big dents or whatever you wanna call it.. only if you screwd up the bottem really badly. =D

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