
Do i need visa for evry countrey?if i have a world passport?and is it acceptable in austria?

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Do i need visa for evry countrey?if i have a world passport?and is it acceptable in austria?




  1. There is nothing like a world passport. You have a passport of your homecountry and if you ned a visa for austria or somewhere else depends on your nationality.

    You do not need a visa for every country. When you are for i.e. an European you can travel to any country that belongs to the EU.

    If you are able to abtain a visa up on arrival or if you have to apply for it in advance, depends on your nationality and the country to want to visit.

  2. you need visa for every country.

  3. Yes you need a visa for every country.  SOme are easier to obtain than others meaning you can get it right in the airport, others like trying to get to the us, can take years.  You need to look at the country you would like to embassy and see what you need to do.  

    I have never heard of a world passport, sorry

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